Optimise Your System for Gaming with Game Booster
Modern day games are resource hungry giants which require every ounce of your computer’s resources. However, the fact is that most of the casual gamers have systems which are just not optimised for gaming. Windows itself comes with a bunch of additional services which are not essential for the functioning of the system, but are […]
Know Exactly What svchost.exe is Upto With Svchost Viewer
I am sure all of you have noticed the numerous svchost.exe entries in your task manager. Many of you may have wondered exactly what is svchost.exe? Svchost stands for Service Host. A service is a program that runs in the background and often provides critical functionalities required for functioning of other applications. During the booting […]
The Best Job Posting Ever
Recently I came across possibly the best tech job posting ever on Craiglist(via @psam). Its geeky, smart and humorous (again in a geeky way). I am quoting portions of it below : To all who Think Themselves a Programmer We don’t like you. You are a weak, oblong programmer. We only like amazing, bad ass […]
England vs Australia – Ashes 1st Test : Live Streaming Video Links
The mother of all cricket battles – The Ashes is on its way. The first test is being held at Cardiff, England. In case you aren’t able to watch it on your television sets here are a few links that will allow you to watch the live stream on the web for free. From T20livecricket […]
FotoGrafix – A Free Photoshop Alternative For The Masses
Adobe Photoshop is a behemoth. It’s an industry standard setting software that is widely considered to be head and shoulders ahead of its competition. However, not everyone needs all the features offered by Photoshop. In fact many people who have Photoshop installed on their computers use it merely as a more sophisticated version of Paint. […]
Find Out Who is Tweeting About Your Website Using BackTweets
There are tons of services that allows you to analyze your Google Search backlinks. Now there is one for Twitter too. BackTweets from the folks behind BackType instantly displays all tweets which link back to your website/blog (including those using shortened urls).
Google OS is Here and It’s Called Chrome
People have been speculating about a Google Operating System ever since Google released Gmail. And the rumours about Google OS grew even stronger after they announced Android in late 2007. However, all these speculations about Google’s own operating system were just that – speculation. Today Google changed all that. Earlier today they dropped a bomb […]
Video Codec Will Not Be Standardised In HTML 5
The much hyped video standard has been dropped from HTML 5 standards specification due to lack of agreement between major browser vendors.
Uniblue Registry Booster 2009 – Review and Benchmark
Registry Cleaners are the topic of intense discussion among tech gurus. Do we need a Registry Cleaner? The opinion is certainly divided. While many Windows Gurus dismiss Registry Cleaners as unnecessary and dangerous, there are others who swear by it. I would probably fall in the later camp. I am a huge fan of TuneUp […]
Opera – Still The Speed King
You must have come across one of the many browser comparisons which rely on benchmarks like Dromaeo, Sunspider, V8 and Peacekeeper. The main problems with these synthetic tests are that they simply measure the JavaScript rendering speeds. While rendering JavaScript is one of the more time consuming aspects of page rendering, js rendering speed tells […]
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