How Good is Your DVD Media?
Blank DVDs are dirt cheap these days and most of us think little before picking them up. But choosing the right media can be important in the long term. Low quality discs get damaged very quickly and loose their readability in less than a year. Unfortunately for us there isn’t any easy way to judge […]
Indian Government Wants to Play Big Brother – Major Ammendments Proposed to the Indian IT Act of 2008
Do you remember how three years ago Indian ISPs had all of a sudden started blocking random websites (including all blogspot blogs)? Remember how it felt to have your website banned all of a sudden and without any explanation? Well guess what, if the proposed amendments for the Information Technology Act of 2008 gets passed […] from Stumble Upon is Awesome
Thanks to microblogging services like Twitter, URL shortening services are a big hit these days. And everyone is getting in on the act. Stumble Upon is currently beta testing its own beta testing service called (pronounced Super). works more like the Digg url shortener than traditional url shorteners. I got my beta testers […]
Microsoft Refuses to Offer a Choice, Instead Unbundles IE from Windows 7 in Europe
You are probably aware of the ongoing antitrust case filed by Opera against Microsoft. If you aren’t I suggest you check out the initial press release by Opera. During recent months Mozilla, IBM, Nokia, Sun, Adobe, Oracle, and others have also joined the case. Opera’s demands are two fold – i) to compel Microsoft to […]
What’s Up with Opera?
Opera is preparing for a big announcement on June 16th at 8:00 am UTC. It’s supposedly something cool and innovative. I have absolutely no idea regarding what it may be. As usual Opera employees are also being pretty tight lipped about it. Opera has put up a strange webpage proclaiming that after 15 years of […]
Find and Remove Duplicate Pictures with Visipics
As I told you in one of my previous posts, I am currently in the process of re-organising all my pictures. While doing this, I realised that I had several duplicate image files in my collection. Manually finding duplicate images among thousands of images is an impossible task. There are plenty of duplicate image removers […]
Never Miss an Album Release Again with AlbumReminder
It can be hard to keep track of the latest album releases, especially if you don’t watch a lot of VH1 or MTV. With a large number of new albums hitting the shelves every week, there is always the possibility that you may miss a new release by your favourite artist. This is where AlbumReminder […]
Switch Between Photosharing Websites with Migratr
I recently started using Picasa for hosting all my photographs online due to the tight integration with Picassa Desktop Client and features like Facial Recognition. But I had hundreds of photos lying around at Zooomr that I wanted to transfer. I needed a tool that would allow me to download all my photos from Zooomr, […]
Google vs Bing vs Yahoo : Find out Who is the best with Blind Search
Over the past month or so the search engine battle has really heated up. Microsoft’s new search engine Bing has received lots of attention. According to latest reports Bing has overtaken Yahoo and is now at #2 position. Time will tell if Microsoft Bing has what it takes to hold on to this position once […]
Opera 10 Beta 1 and Opera Mobile 9.7 Beta Released
I couldn’t blog about this earlier as I was out of station during the past week. Opera released the much awaited beta build of Peregrine (v10) last week. The much hyped, secret new feature turned out to be something called Visual Tabs. Opera has always been a step or two ahead of its competitors as […]
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