5 responses to “Google vs Bing vs Yahoo : Find out Who is the best with Blind Search”

  1. ganda

    Woww.. that is awesome if i can see three result from 3 search engine. Which one is provide the most correct result.

    ganda’s last blog post..Ajax And Web Accessibility Issue

  2. ganda

    I think you should make your Say It and preview button have different background with post background. This make me confuse where is your submit button. If you are wanna make the same color, consider the contrast button background color is different with post background color.

    Just suggestion.

    ganda’s last blog post..Ajax And Web Accessibility Issue

  3. Samrat P

    But still I prefer to use Google for most of the times.. But these days im using Bing for some specific queries…. Probably this site will help me to see the results at one place…
    [rq=521,0,blog][/rq]Search Quickly On Your MAC With Google Quick Search Box(QSB)

  4. Nihar


    Great post. Thanks will check google squared and the other site created by Microsoft employee.
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