8 responses to “Skin Any Website With User Styles for Opera and Firefox”

  1. chinmoy

    nice find. So this is the idea you were talking about!
    .-= chinmoy´s last blog ..A Better Way To Browse Youtube =-.

  2. ganda

    very nice dude. Actually, I using userstyle.css just to make rich interface become simpler. But after i saw the screeenshot of your facebook profile, i think i wanna use that userstyle. thankyou very much dude.
    .-= ganda´s last blog ..WordPress Tip : Create Highlighted Author’s Comments =-.

  3. Conor

    It was great while it lasted, but it slowed down my computer. How do you change it back?

  4. Brian Talk

    Thanks to Open Source, there seems to be a work-around for everything. It should be fun changing skins for websites like Facebook.

  5. used tires

    Wow, thats pretty awesome, I had no idea you could individualize websites like that!
