Sorry for taking so long to publish the list of winners. You can thank the blazing fast internet connectivity offered by Tata Photon Whiz for the delay. Anyways, I will save my rant about Tata Photon for some time else.
The Tabbles giveaway turned out to be one of the most popular giveaways on my blog and attracted a fair amount of interest. Thanks to everyone who participated. Don’t be dissapointed if you didn’t win. I have a few more giveaways planned. Subscribe to our RSS Feed or newsletter to stay informed about any future giveaways.
The winners for the Tabbles giveaway are: Suzy Gourav Kumar Diane
The license keys will be sent to the winners via email.
Did you just set a new Windows XP/Vista/7 user account password and can’t remember it for the love of god? You have come to the right place. Although, recovering or resetting a Windows user account password is a bit tricky, it is entirely possible. Don’t be fooled into paying for something like this. Here are three free and straight forward techniques to recover your Windows XP/Vista/7 password.
Offline NT Password & Registry Editor
Offline NT Password & Registry Editor is a live Linux distribution, which can be used to reset your Windows user account password. Here is what you need to do:
Download and burn the ISO image to create a bootable media (CD/DVD). Boot from the media created in the previous step. Once you have successfully booted, you will be asked to select the appropriate Windows installation. Do so. Now you will be prompted to enter the registry location. Press Enter to select the default value. Pick option 1, which is to reset the password. Select the user account you are interested in. Simply hitting Enter will select the Administrator account. Select option 1 to just set a blank password. Option 2 is not recommended since it has a lower success rate. Save changes (option 1) and restart to boot into Windows.
Trinity Rescue Kit is also a Linux distro. It packs in several additional features, but the password reset tool, which we are concerned with, works in a similar manner to Offline NT Password & Registry Editor. Type winpass -u Administrator in the terminal to begin the process. Replace Administrator with the user account you are interested in. If you get stuck, refer to the video guide prepared by WalkerNews.
Download Trinity Rescue Kit (118.7 MB) License: Freeware (Open Source) Operating System: Windows 7, Vista, XP
Windows 7 Installation Disc
If you don’t want to use a 3rd party tool, you can also reset your password using the Windows 7 installation disc. However, you will need to do a fair bit of manual registry editing. If that’s not a problem for you, head over to the Seven Forums password reset guide.
Is your Windows 7/Vista system failing to boot correctly? Are you getting stuck at the login screen? Did you mess up the boot sector or MBR while tinkering with hard disk partitions? I am sure that, at some point or the other, we have all faced Windows boot loader related debacles. Today I will share a couple of quick tips to solve such problems. They won’t always work, but they are the basic recovery/repair tools that every Windows user should be aware of. Continue reading “Fix “Windows Won’t Boot” Problems [Windows 7/Vista]”
Remember WinFS? Yes, I am talking about the super-hyped, game changing file system from Microsoft that was supposed to be one of the pillars of Windows Longhorn (Vista). After numerous missteps, Microsoft ditched WinFS back in 2006. It’s a pity that WinFS couldn’t be realised, as it really did sound revolutionary.
So why am I rambling on about WinFS after all these years? The reason is Tabbles. Tabbles is a Windows Explorer alternative, which gives you a taste of what WinFS could have been. Don’t worry; you don’t need to format your disk to a brand new file system. Just download and run the relatively smallish installer to get started. In fact, if you prefer, you can also use the portable version, which doesn’t require installation.
The Tabbles philosophy is that you don’t need to remember where your documents are. Just remembering what they are about should be sufficient (to locate them). This utility allows you to organise files and folders into Tabbles (tag-bubble), which are both virtual folders and tags. Just like you do with tags, you can associate multiple Tabbles with a single file. It also has a pretty powerful auto-tag engine, which can automatically put files into Tabbles based on a predefined set of criterion. Tabbles can be used to even tag and organise online resources, tweets and email.
As mentioned earlier, Tabbles doesn’t integrate itself with Windows Explorer, and instead acts as an Explorer replacement. Tabbles was designed from ground up to look good and look good it does. The interface is slick enough to grab attention and make people actually want to use the utility. Make no mistake; Tabbles is a powerful application, which is aimed at sophisticated users. Yet at no point does it appear complicated or cluttered.
Once you have tagged your files appropriately, Tabbles can be a huge time saver. However, the main problem is that you need to spend a considerable amount of time settings up Tabbles. Auto-tagging is definitely a big help, but you will need to rely on manual tagging on a lot of instances to get the best out of this app. In the end, Tabbles does come off as being better suited to professionals and academics than casual users.
The free version allows tagging of only 1000 files, which makes it essentially useless. But, it will give you an idea of what Tabbles can do for you. The full version will set you back by 29.99$ for the home and portable licenses. The corporate edition, which features sharable Tabbles, costs 97.49$.
Tabbles Home License Giveaway
Tabbles has graciously agreed to sponsor 3 home licenses. Tabbles is a fantastic concept, which grows on you as you continue to fiddle around with it. Here’s how you can win a Tabbles Home license worth $29.99.
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* In case of dispute, all decisions made by me shall be final.
Download Tabbles (5.56 MB) Version Reviewed: 1.5.9 rev8 License: Shareware (Limited to 1000 tagged files) Cost: $29.99 for Home Edition Operating System: Windows 7, Vista, XP
After polishing up their desktop offering, Opera Software has turned their attention towards their mobile offerings. Here are some of the updates released have been pushed through over the past few days:
i) Opera Mini 5.1 for Java and S40 Phones: While Opera Mini 5 was a dramatic improvement over Opera Mini 4, the new features came at a cost. Many devices, which were previously compatible with Opera Mini, failed to run O Mini 5. Numerous others complained about running out of memory. Opera Mini 5.1 tries to fix these issues and makes it compatible with more than 3000 handsets. This release also includes a refined skin with improved tab handling. Continue reading “Opera for Phones Refreshed – Opera Mini 5.1 and Opera Mobile 10.1 Beta Released”
Opera’s official community website – myOpera, has a little thing going on where every week they highlight a member of the community through their Member of the Week post. This week, yours truly has been chosen as the MotW.
If you landed here from myOpera, welcome and enjoy your stay. All Opera related articles written by me are available here. You can learn a bit more about me by heading over to the About page, or my Twitter profile.
Thanks Opera for choosing me. Do rock my socks off with Opera 11.
UserJS has long been one of the most ignored Opera features. In spite of being included in every release since v8, Opera is yet to provide any UserJS manager or installer. Even more shocking is the absence of an official UserJS gallery. So, it’s not surprising that a significantly large number of Opera users aren’t even aware of UserJS. Back in 2007, I had complied a list of my favourite User JavaScript. However, a lot has changed since then. Here is an updated list of some of the best UserJS’ for Opera (in no particular order). Continue reading “Top Ten Must Have User JavaScript (UserJS) for Opera”
As I have stated before, modern day antivirus and antimalware programs are quite good at detecting and blocking a malware. However, once a malware gets past your system’s defenses, it can be infuriatingly difficult to get rid of it. Safe Returner is an aggressive, heuristic based anti-malware program that specialises in the removal of active malware threats.
Safe Returner touts itself as an automated and an improved version of SysInternal’s Autoruns. It scans all files loaded during system boot, in addition to scanning Windows system files. Safe Returner relies on heuristic analysis as well as generic detection. While the former tries to flag suspicious activities performed by running processes, the latter tries to identify known traits of a malware/malware family. Safe Returner is an entirely non-signature based antimalware software. Continue reading “Remove Viruses with Safe Returner Anti-Malware – 10 Premium License Key Giveaway”
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