4 responses to “TrueTransparency Brings Aero to Windows XP”

  1. Shaunak De

    What is the overhead like? Does it cause any instability?
    .-= Shaunak De´s last blog ..Sundown Silhouette =-.

  2. Shaunak De

    Thanks for the confirmation.

    I am on Fedora right now, will give it a spin as soon as I reboot to XP.
    .-= Shaunak De´s last blog ..Sundown Silhouette =-.

  3. Sourojit

    This software is great for users of Xp . Is it really light weight? I heard most of the softwares in this category of graphics emulation takes a toll on cpu load.
    .-= Sourojit´s last blog ..Google Caffeine – Taste The Next-Generation =-.