21 responses to “Ten Things I Want to See in Opera 10”

  1. Nirmal

    I would like to see point no 1, add-on support.

  2. Manas

    Add-on support … It will really make Opera much more popular than others. 😉

  3. Affiliate Marketing Forum

    10 Things People Want on Opera…

    One of the Leading Browser is Opera, a lot of Web tools and packages were generally operable at this browser. On the other hand its competitors, IE and Mozilla has also a lot of things to offer.


  4. Shankar Ganesh

    You seem to be a die-hard Opera fan, Pallab 😉

  5. Marco Barulli

    instead of waiting for an Opera “form filler”, just use Clipperz! (… I’m a tad biased …)

    Clipperz is an online password manager that recently released a version optimized for Opera (and Firefox) sidebar. It’s called Clipperz Compact

    Clipperz Compact will enable one-click access to your online services. Never type again a password!

    Marco Barulli
    Clipperz co-founder

  6. dave

    my primary wish is to be able to drag-and-drop links and images and such into other programs, basically the exact same way IE does it.

    some other small improvements i can think of that you haven’t listed:
    – showing yes/no for whether or not a file is resumeable in the transfer manager
    – the ability to manually check an RSS feed (if this can be done, i don’t know how). maybe even the option to “reset” an rss feed, so any removed but current news will show up again.
    – right-click ability in bookmarks menu, or at the very least middle-click ability to open in a new tab
    – would be nice to have multiple quick-download locations

    and there’s likely other things, but i can’t think of them right now 🙂

  7. ResearchWizard


    Firefox is able to compete with Opera only because of it’s extensions.

    Opera needs to add an API if it intends on increasing it’s market share

    Although this is often heard and the most visible and outstanding feature I strongly disagree that this is the main reason for the success of Firefox. My arguments (in this moment I don’t refer to the question about API in Opera):

    there is no big announecment in any general browser comparison I know that IE is very extensible although in the same article it is said to be the strength of Firefox
    there are a lot of other reasons (besides API) that make Firefox a very successful browser: it is cool, it is Open Source and developed by volunteers, it got a lot of attention even in the not technical media (just remember all the reports about collecting a lot of money for an advertisement page) etc and all this evolved into a big hype raising awareness and a good feeling to use Firefox (technically it was just good enough)
    The Firefox movement was strong enough to force the web developers to make their pages work and look good in Firefox (and provide how to’s).
    But sure I agree with you that some power users or special users just get the functionality they need or think is nice to have with extensions and this even increases word of mouth.

    For the debate about Opera extensions I never quite got the reason why Opera doesn’t use the word “extensions” or “add ons” for all the possibilities to customize and extend Opera (Custom buttons, Widgets, UserCSS, UserJS, custom ini files for menus, toolbars, shortcuts, etc). Already now Opera has several APIs, especially UserJS and all the browser actions (see several All Action Lists on operawiki.info). Yes, I know it is not quite the same but in the end you are even able to replace the complete browser GUI (look out for Shoust’s browser panel which could be extended).

    And furthermore you have several points in your wish-list for things you want to have integrated into Opera where a third party solution already exists – isn’t that what extensions would be, third party solutions?
    10) Oget + download manager (or simply integrate the download manager into your menus or as button), 9) oSpell 8) % 7) Operator or similar setups or simply a second Opera installation with disabled cach and cleared private data on exit (I know it’s not the same but therefore more powerful) 6) Lex1’s solution is still improving 5) not quite sure what you want: FLV Downloader Widget or Download FLV userJS or maybe the full progressbar as popup at the bottom ? 4) why the heck Opera has to be better if it already is the best? (sure there always is room for improvements and and so does Opera) 3) Userjs manager (and I agree that UserJS should be integrated in Opera’s extensions/add on page) 2) OpS – Opera input suggestion, autocomplete userJS, Personal information fields in wand (which work even automaticly) 1) AllActions / UserJS etc

    Well, indeed I strongly support your points 8 + 6 and I think the rest would be nice to have (while I’d think unified wording and presentation would be enough for APIs)


    – right-click ability in bookmarks menu, or at the very least middle-click ability to open in a new tab

    both works for me (may be you have to uncheck Hotlist single click + restart Opera)

    – would be nice to have multiple quick-download locations

    It is already there for different file (MIME) types:
    Tools – Preferences – Advanced – Download – search for the extension (maybe uncheck “Hide file types opened with Opera”) – Save to disk + check: “Do not ask for folder, but save directly to” and specify the folder

  8. Troy

    Opera has had spell checking for a few versions now. I am 100% with you on the rest of the list.

    I also wish they’d make certain settings, like “Fit to Width” available in site preferences as well, and copying to the clipboard in CF_HTML format intead of plain text only. I’d also like one-shot settings, so that when I’m surfing with plug-ins turned off, I can turn them on for the foreground tab only rather than the browser as a whole. That way, when a background page refreshes, it won’t get to load its stupid flash ads.

    But without a doubt, an add-on API would fix so many things, because we could just add the features ourselves.

  9. dave

    both works for me (may be you have to uncheck Hotlist single click + restart Opera)

    well.. i’m referring to the actual Bookmarks menu at the top of the screen, and i don’t believe you are. i don’t know of any settings that will enable me to right click within that.

  10. ResearchWizard

    Sure dave, I always forget about the bookmark menu as I’m too much used to use the bookmark panel (and some folders + bookmarks on my personal bar). If I’d not use the panel I’d find it pretty uncomfortable to press SHIFT or SHIFT+CTRL to open the page in a new (background) panel and I wish this menu + toolbar bookmarks would be a bit more powerful (right click options, organizing by drag+drop – just like in the panel).

  11. Simon

    Please don’t confuse autocomplete with autofill/form filler, they are two completely seperate features.
    Autofill or form filler basically allows one click form input on sites, however Opera already has limited functionaliy already on that feature, it doesn’t scan enough variations of form fields. Hopefully more variations will be scanned in the page so it does a better job.

    Really Autocomplete is the one really missing in Opera, although the link/userjs best matches the autocomplete functionality in other browsers, however there is still a bit of work to do to emulate it more.

  12. Moneer

    thank you

    nice opera

  13. ResearchWizard

    Opera’s download manager is enough for me. I’d wish automatic resuming of disrupted downloads on start up of Opera (or getting online again) but the rest of it is just fine for my needs.

    Extensions are nothing else but 3rd party applications with the ability to hook into the UI. That’s about the same what ActiveX is for IE. I don’t like ActiveX (nor IE), and I like extensions are only in Firefox where I can shoot the whole browser with them (I did it multiple times) as it is not my first browser. I’m very careful with userJS in my stable Opera browser, but I neither broke my weeklies installation with lots of all stuff – and it’s just easy to have multiple installations of Opera even running the same time – it’s a pain in the ass with FF.

    I think there always will be specialized applications doing special stuff just better than other ore general apps – and I hope Opera will not stop to be the specialized application for power surfing 🙂

    For Safari’s activity monitor I think there might be some interesting things in the forthcoming info panel for you. Additionally I expect some more debugging capabilities with the WebDevTools – it’s just early alpha right now.

  14. Blog tag: 5 things I’d like to see in Opera » Not Just Another Blog

    […] have articulated my expectations from Opera in the past. Not so long ago I wrote Ten Things I Want to See in Opera 10. Here, I present to you a pruned down list of things I want to see in Opera. Prioritize page […]

  15. Oli

    Addons are the most important thing. With Opera’s speed and Firefox like functionality, by introducing addons, I’m sure, Opera will meet great success.

  16. black_caeser

    But Opera wont ever introduce extensions or addons due to security issues. This was discussed many times in the communities and Operas stuff said that it wouldn’t happen because Opera has the reputation of a safe browser and any problems caught by extensions could ruin that reputation.

  17. d00d

    How about the Google Suggest like feature in Firefox? Opera has been missing out on that for a long time.