5 responses to “MemoryCleaner Optimises Your Memory and Cures Memory Leaks”

  1. Frederic

    The latest version (1.40) of MemoryCleaner was released. It has the ability to automatically perform memory optimisation when the used ram hits a certain threshold (80% by default) or every 5 minutes. This is really a nice feature. Installed and Tested on windows vista 64 bits (Desktop machine) and Windows Seven 32 bits (Netbook). Thanks for your review.

  2. Web Design LA

    Is this really helpful? As I am in real need of something like this.

  3. KodrutZ

    I installed it on my system and I can really feel a difference. Don’t know how does it feel on lower specs machines, but in my case, it’s a dual core processor at 2.5GHz with 2 GB of memory, running Windows XP SP3 with all possible optimizations regarding memory usage (if I had 4GB of memory, I would have simply disable the virtual memory), yet I often find myself waiting like an idiot for Windows to write in/out of the swap file while I have 900 MB of free physical memory or so. Now, thanks to Memory Cleaner, I can do more stuff that’s not waiting… 😉

  4. Timothy

    I downloaded memory cleaner about 2 month’s ago, have been playing star wars:tor, I have 4 gigs of ram but only use about 3.5 as I am on a 32 bit OS, when going to different worlds alot it was eating up my ram and really slowing me down. This program works great, I no longer have to restart my system or suffer through horrid lag after being online for a few hours, or going to a few different planets.

  5. Pablo Molina

    II am a professional Web developer and computer geek. I have tried memory optimizers for as long as I can remember, which can be when people started to invented them.

    I use Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit, in a 3.4GHz core duo Intel, Intel Mobo, 666 MHz BUS. 4GB memory, usable 3.4GB. A local server with plenty of power. Nevertheless, when using PS, AI, FW, 3 testing browsers and 15 tabs opened in Google Chrome, memory consumption gets over 60%. And, closing the apps after that didn´t gets the memory usage back to 30%, normal state.

    This little app of Koshi John works great, using little resources, recovering the RAM, and not being noticed at all. As noticed by the author, the best of it is the fact that it uses the own system API´s to optimize.