Four Free Online Favicon Generators
The tiny 16×16 pixel website icon (known as favicon) that graces every website window (or tab) is probably one of the most ignored aspects of website design. Favicons not only helps you in building your brand but also is an essential aid to heavy-duty surfers. They allow user to quickly identify your webpage amongst the […]
Mozilla Firefox Persona Makes Skinning Simple
Customisability is one of the biggest assets of Firefox. You can change the look and feel of Firefox or even add new functionalities to it. I am sure every Firefox user is aware of Firefox Themes. However, there is another alternative to skinning Firefox that not many people are aware of – Firefox Persona. Firefox […]
F.lux – Calibrate Your Display to the Time of the Day
If you are like me, and spend a greater portion of the day, and even night, sitting in front of the computer, then F.lux is a must have. Our displays are calibrated to look their best during the day. Unfortunately artificial light is quite different from sunlight. Natural light is more bluish whereas artificial light […]
Two Tools for Hiding Data in BMP Images
Bitmap images (BMP) are rarely used on the web due to their bulk, but they can come in handy for hiding data. I will examine two tools that will allow you to store any file in BMP images. 1. BMPWrap: It’s a no fuss portable application that generates bitmap images from any file that is […]
Six Ways to Bypass Torrent Connection Blocking and Throttling
With the massive increase in popularity of torrents many ISP’s have started throttling torrent downloads (i.e. limiting download/upload speeds) and many colleges and universities are blocking torrents outright. Bypassing these techniques can be laughably easy or maddeningly confusing depending upon the technique employed for limiting or blocking torrent downloads. Here are some possible solutions: 1. […]
WindowSpace Brings AeroSnap to XP and Vista
One of the best new features in Windows7 is Aero Snap. Drag a window to the left or right edge of the screen and it will automatically get docked to that edge and resized to half the screen width. Drag it to the top edge and it will get maximized. Now with WindowSpace from NTWind […]
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