Beta – My Impressions – the social music website has been testing a new revamped interface for quite some time. Until now it was limited only to beta testers. Yesterday, they started rolling out the new interface to a normal members. After, playing around with it for more than a day I must say, I am impressed. […]
Wp-Spamfree – Banish Comment Spam
Comment spam is something every blogger has to endure on a daily basis. The default antispam plugin – Akismet, does a decent job of filtering, but it’s known to get it wrong. And to manually dig out the legitimate comments from hundreds of spam comments is no mean task. Recently, I reviewed two better alternatives […]
Signal Patterns – Discover Yourself (Invites Available)
Personality analysis tests are certainly nothing new. But Signal Pattern is attempting to take it to the next level by making the process more scientific, detailed and social. After having completed the test, I would definitely admit that it’s one of the most detailed personality assessment test I have ever taken. In fact I doubt […]
New Antivirus Shootout by has released the results of Antivirus shootout conducted on June 21, 2008. Forty-nine antimalware products were tested by them using 246705 virus samples. This test was conducted by virusp, a private virus collector. Top 5 single-engine Premium Antivirus products : 4. Kaspersky version – 97.95% 5. eScan version 9.0.742.1 – 97.44% 6. The […]
Spamlets – Spam Can Be Fun
Spam is undoubtedly one of the biggest nuisance on the web. It’s everywhere – its in your mailbox, its in your blog comments, its there on social bookmarking sites and so on. While spam filters continue to wage their war against spam, spammers are getting creative – often with hilarious results. A twitter hash-tag service […]
Five Free Alternatives to Add or Remove Programs
The regular uninstaller of an application often leaves behind useless files and registry entries. This is one of the primary causes behind loss in performance of Windows over time. Not only that, the default Add/Remove applet is slow and as bare-bones as it gets. Here are five alternatives you should consider. MyUninstaller MyUninstaller from Nirsoft […]
Google Trends – Now Available For Websites
Google has added a new functionality to their Google Trends Product which will allow you to view estimated traffic data for individual websites. Till now Google Trends allowed you to compare only popularity of search queries. Google says that it estimates the traffic trends by combining data from a variety of sources such as aggregated […]
Tiny Utilities : Small is Good – VI
Time for another edition of Tiny Utilities : Small is Good. In each edition I review 3 tiny but extremely useful freeware. Do check out the previous editions if you missed them. XNeat Windows Manager For a software that’s smaller than 400kB, XNeat Windows Manager is incredibly feature packed. Here are some of the things […]
Firefox and Opera Downloaded more than 5 Million Times
Firefox and Opera have both managed to clock five million downloads since release. Firefox achieved this in less than a day compared to five days taken by Opera. But, even then its a major achievement for Opera which has about 1/10th Firefox’s marketshare. In fact number of Opera users have doubled since release of v9. […]
Enable Explorer Thumbnails for Custom File Types
By default Windows Explorer recognizes and generates thumbnails for a few pre-defined formats. It doesn’t generate thumbnails for many common file formats – which includes FLV, RM, RMVB, MOV, MP4, MKV. Luckily, there is a very simple fix for this. Follow these steps – Enabling Thumbnail For Generic Video File Open Note pad and paste […]
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