26 responses to “Wp-Spamfree – Banish Comment Spam”

  1. ameo

    OK here is the summary I’m familiar with personally ,
    askimet ————- normal
    defensio————— good but complicated ,
    challenge —————–the best thing i love
    wp-spam free ——— Sux
    some times i just tend to disable JS and EVERY website has this plugin i just have to enable it for this site using opera site specific perf. ๐Ÿ˜€ like yours ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. ameo

    js might carry some bad security risks and it some times faster to browse without ,
    and simply enable for the site that tells me it need it urgently

  3. Carl Mercier

    Why do you think Defensio is complicated?

  4. Siddharth

    I sitll think akismet rocks
    till now not more than 2 spams have gone out of its box ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. narendra.s.v

    oh this is better than Akismet :O

  6. ameo

    @ Carl Mercier :
    defensio has strong antispam engine , BUT it has some extra features that won’t be need by most blogger at least 95% won’t be using it .
    and that that spam stats !
    no one need to check the spam he got last year or in certain time on the archive ! yes people check their logs daily but logs for good stuff like site hits and PR and even comment amount , but spam stats . just seems over described and when i tested defension i was only logging in defension CP just for getting APIs and that is it ,

    the second point i want to talk about is the acuracy ratio

    all i know about comments is that it has only 2 faces

    Spam and legitimate comments ,

    there is no 50 percent spam or 90 % spam it’s either spam or not ,
    that issue really got me confused first time i installed defensio , i didn’t know what value should i use so i used what you adviced 80 %

    —— ——- ——- ——– ——- ——-

  7. Ajay

    i don’t much about any of the spam filters.
    i think this post help me to solve my spam problem

  8. Carl Mercier


    Thanks for your answer.

    Statistics is our way of being transparent and telling you exactly how well/bad we’re doing. As far as I know, we’re the only service that publishes these. Maybe you don’t find them interesting or useful, but it’s actually one of the biggest selling point for us and most people love this feature. And we’re not scared of telling the world how good/bad we are, because we believe in our algorithm! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Saying that spam is black or white couldn’t be farther from the truth in my opinion, and that’s why we perform so much better than the competition: we make that subtle distinction.

    For example, on my blog, I’m very strict about who I let comment. If a guy named “Download Free Music” comments, even if it’s relevant to my post, I’ll flag it as spam because he’s obviously just trying to crank up his Google juice. However, I know many people who want to have the same comment featured on their blog if the content is relevant, regardless of what the commenter is trying to accomplish.

    Defensio learns from those behaviors of yours and will automagically adjust accordingly. The spaminess ranking is our way of saying what our level of confidence is regarding a given comment. It allows you to sort spam in a much smarter manner, making comment management a breeze. No more going through hundreds of pages of spam to find false positives: if there’s any, they’ll just bubble up to the top! That said, we understand that 85% spaminess doesn’t mean anything to mere mortals, so that’s why we “bucketize” everything as “not very spammy, very spammy, extremely spammy”, etc to make it easier to understand for you. Machines prefer to sort on numbers, though, so that’s why we return a % value through our API.

    The “hide obvious spam” setting doesn’t affect accuracy, it’s just a way to clean up your screen a little bit. Maybe we could be clearer about what it does…

    This discussion is interesting, cheers!

  9. ameo

    @ Carl Mercier :
    i agree with all you’ve said other than the stats part . coz it still show no need for users , each day blogger will notice the good work of defensio just through the counter in wordpress dashboard or any other CMS that supports defensio .

  10. Carl Mercier

    I think you’re completely missing the point. The number of spam an anti-spam service catches doesn’t mean it’s doing a good job. What if it catches every legitimate comment as spam? It’s obviously doing a very poor job even though the spam count might be high. Only an accuracy statistics will tell you how good we’re doing.

  11. ameo

    @ Carl Mercier :
    okay , let me first mention that I’m completely objective third party outsider with completely no personal interest in the matter .

    we are talking about the spam stats on defensio user CP not the accuracy measures , offcourse if the spam filters is catching all comments as spam will increase the stats level and won’t be such a good sign .
    i think askimet also has stats


    and it doesn’t require registering or signing in to askimet to show it although it’s not as personal as defensio stats BUT it does the same job and it show how askimet did today globally

    why doesn’t defensio do that ? or simply integrate it into wordpress dashboard .. there is no need to separt the stats from comments moderation !

    after i took another look at my defensio installation i did found it pretty cool to sort the spam in the quarantine
    but still the basic spam protection , defensio has it to five classes i think 50 , 60 . .. , 100% is a bit OVER .
    if i got it the right way .. 80% spam threshold will hide a comment with 2 links and some keywords in it and 50 % won’t !? then what is the need of these variation , why don’t defensio just set it’s measures to optimal values that suites every one , and disable this feature
    no one loves spam and if some one did then he won’t be even thinking about having any antispam protection

  12. Dries

    Tried Mollom yet to block spam? See http://mollom.com. A WordPress plugin was made available recently at http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-mollom.

  13. Ovais Mirza

    Wp-Spamfree is actually a great plugin for anti spamming……one of my friend told me about that..he is using it for almost six months and very much satisfied..

  14. Harsh Agrawal

    I have been using Akismet from first day and in between I switched to some alternative spam commenting measure.
    I installed captcha and comment on my blog lowered down by almost 50%. I installed another spam prevention plugin and many comments landed into spam and many spam comment appeared in moderation queue…

    My View: Akismet is good, though you need to check spam folder once in a while.. Also when people are using keywords while commenting @place of name, chances are high it will land into Spam folder.
    .-= Harsh Agrawalร‚ยดs last blog ..Thesis 18 Coming Soon- Download Thesis Now =-.

  15. used tires

    You know… Akismet has been the same forever… they should really take a look at some of these plugins and think about implementing some of these features for us users to be able to take advantage of!

    Till then,


  16. Computer Tips Tricks

    Akismet has been doing fine for me but sometimes you know it might not be that accurate though and still spams come in. It’s good to have alternatives but I wonder if they run together with Akismet. Will try it out.

  17. Jasmine

    I think Akismet is really good in filtering out spam comments. So far I am quite happy with this plugin but lately quite a number of spam comments have slipped through. I think I will need to check out WP spamfree. Hope it works well!

  18. Corporate Photographer


    I am looking to change my anti spam plugin but need to ask if Wp-Spamfree has any conflict with CommentLuv or KeywordLuv. Will it conflict with the dofollow? Grant

  19. Jasmine

    Wp-spam free looks pretty promising! And of course, every blog should at least have Akismet!

  20. Raji22

    So, how does Wp-Spamfree work? In the plugin developer

  21. p90x

    Thanks for the recommendation. Was Askimet not enough? Akismet does seem to miss some of the spam on my blogs but a lot of them are deleted. Do you run both Akismet and Wp-Spamfree? Thanks for the advice.

    – Robert

  22. Corporate photographer in London

    Interesting, i’ve tryed using seval anti-spam plug in’s but yet to find one that actually is worth its worth.
    Would also be interested to see if it works o.k with comment luv