Userjs is a powerfull tool that allows the user to modify a website according to his needs. It basically allows you to specify local JavaScript files for Opera to include on every page that you visit. It’s identical to what Greasemonkey does in Mozilla Firefox and Creammonkey does in Safari. It was introduced in Opera v8. However, only very few Opera users make use of this excellent option. My article on Customising Opera had an entire section devoted to userjs but that article is pretty much outdated. Hence, I decided to compile a brand new list.
Before Getting Started – Installing Userjs is very simply. You need to create a separate directory for storing all your userjs files. It may be anywhere on your hard disk. Then go to Tools –> Preferences –> Advanced –> Content –> JavaScript Options.Enter the location of your userjs directory in the My Java script files box. Now you need to place all downloaded scripts in this folder.
I would also suggest that you download this script by Tarquin for better compatibility with greasemonkey scripts.
13. Windows Media Player ActiveX Control – Recently Microsoft released WMP ActiveX Control plugin for Firefox, which made all WMP videos playable in Firefox. Of course, no big corporate gives a damn about a browser with 1% market share. Hence, as usual Opera users were left high and dry. Thankfully Hallvord has come out with a script that attempts to make websites using WMP ActiveX Control viewable in Opera. It’s not perfect, but you should install it.
12. The world through a Google – This script by J. Eiras (xEarth) fixes most of the issues presented by Google Services like Google Docs, Google Spreadsheets, Google Calender and Google Picassa Web. A must have if you use any of the services mentioned above.
11.Linkifier Plus – Converts text links to clickable hyperlinks. More information is available here.
If you experience problems with Linkifier Plus, give Ayush’s version a try.
10. Ajax for Yahoo Mail Classic – I have written about this script previously on my blog. If you prefer the classic look of yahoo mail over its present clunky version (some of which doesnt work in Opera even after extensive patching through browserjs), then this script by Vivek Jishtu is a must have. It adds the ability to open emails inline, without opening a new page.
9. No click-to-activate – Opera 9 requires you to click on embedded content like Java applet or Flash videos to activate them (if you want to know the reason behind this move click here). This can be extremely annoying while browsing an website which uses multiple flash videos or java applets. Allthough the webdesigners can easily override this behaviour very few of them actually do this. This script by Mark Wilton-Jones (Tarquin) allows users to override this browser behaviour.
8.Extra-download-links – Normally links to embedded objects are not visible in Opera’s Links Panel. This script by J. Eiras (xEarth) adds invisible anchors for every image, embed, object, applet and iframe to the page which makes them available via the links panel for quick download.
7. Link Alert – This script by Mark Wilton-Jones(Tarquin) identifies links to specific file types, and displays an appropriate icon when the link is hovered. Additionally, it can also highlight links with “nofollow”, however this functionality is disabled by default.
6. BugMeNot Login Fetcher – I am sure most of you already know what Bugmenot is, but just in case you haven’t heard about it before : was created as a mechanism to quickly bypass the login of web sites that require compulsory registration and/or the collection of personal/demographic information (such as the New York Times).

This userjs by Ayush allows you to quickly retrieve login information for the current webpage. To use the script just press Ctrl+Shift+Double Click.
5. BreadCrumb URL – Its actually hard to describe the usefulness of this userjs, but I would try anyway. It displays the url of the webpage broken into segments (similar to what LocationBar2 extension does in Firefox).

4. Video Downloader – This script by J. Eiras (xEarth) provides you direct download link for flv videos on Youtube, Google Vidoes, Dailymotion, Myspace, Metacafe, Break, Putfile, Sevenload, Myvideo and Clipfish.
3. SEO Bar – This script adds a floating bar which provides quick access to Google PR, Alexa Traffic Rank, Number of backlinks (in Google, Yahoo, MSN and Yandex) and more. Full list of features is available here.

2. Greased Lightbox – This script by Joe Lencioni provides Lightbox funtionality on all image thumbnails. When you click on a thumbnail you get the full size image on without opening a new page.
1. OSpell – This is one userjs that you must install. Ospell by d.i.z. is a robust multi-lingual inline spell checker for Opera.By default it works only with text boxes, however it can be configured to work with Input boxes also. You have the option of either using Gmail, Orangoo or Fearphage’s spelling engine.

Good list. Thanks for the #2 spot!
[…] Related : Top 13 Userjs Written for Opera […]
Hey nice list.
I also found Flash panel to be really useful..
Here’s a link to it…
I am not aware if there’s a better alternative to it.
Yes. That is a very nice addon. I mentioned it earlier in my article “Extending Opera : The Ultimate Guide to Customizing Opera”
Wow! Great list, Pallab. There is also an Orkut toolbar JS created by Ayush. BTW, you also have an BugMeNot button that works great.
Going to try out the orkut js toolbar by Ayush. He certainly makes some awesome userjs’.
[…] number of Opera users aren’t even aware of UserJS. Back in 2007, I had complied a list of my favourite User JavaScripts. However, a lot has changed since then. Here is an updated list of some of the best UserJS’ […]