14 responses to “Tiny Utilities : Small is Good – V”

  1. Thilak

    Great post. Bookmarked it. Breadcrumbs is undoubtedly the most usable feature in Vista. Glad that someone ported it for XP.

    My little brother was asking for such a tool for his XP box.

  2. Madhur Kapoor

    MyLockBox is a good application. Will check out the others too

  3. Siddharth

    I like MyLockBox 😀

  4. Rohit

    QT Addressbar will definitely save me clicks. Thank you.
    Another very similar click saver is Folder view.

  5. ameo

    great ,, just as you’ve said that QT toolbar is really handy .

  6. Tiny Utilities : Small is Good - VI

    […] had reviewed QT Addressbar in the previous edition of Tiny Utilities. It allowed you to replicate the breadcrumbs navigation […]

  7. Shaunak De

    Might I suggest InfraRecorder? Its a great Nero Alternative.

  8. Icon

    Great post! My LockBox seem interesting. I’ll try it later.Thanks.

  9. Samrat P

    Just tried out My Lockbox and it works pretty good..

  10. Dissertation Help

    Nice post, I will definitely try this.

  11. Alan@http://beachclubtorremolinos.onlythisnthat.com

    I’ve been using the My Lockbox utility for some time now.
    It’s so simple to use and very effective.
    .-= Alan@http://beachclubtorremolinos.onlythisnthat.com´s last blog ..Beach Club Torremolinos =-.

  12. over50s@http://over-50s-info.com

    Folder View looks Interesting. I think I will feature it in my blog sometime in the future.