22 responses to “Pownce Invites”

  1. saumya

    please invite me.

  2. saumya

    thank you for the invitaion.

  3. Cyril

    please send me an invite


  4. blzbb

    thank you for your site and your great posts
    please invite me

  5. Donald

    Invitation would be fantastic
    Many thnaks

  6. cottage

    wow.. i keep hearing about this pownce.. its going to be huge i guess

  7. cottage

    ..i also think this Kevin rose fellow is going to be rolling the dough again 🙂

    good for him!

  8. vaibhav

    Seems to be good, but it should have been open to all 😉

  9. Pamela

    Pallab, am I too late to receive an invite?
    I would really appreciate one.


  10. Pieter van Gils

    I would love an invite! I’ll give you a backlink from my blog if you have one left for me!


  11. azwanhadzree

    I was hoping for an invite, but none left. Any of your friends want to invite me 🙂 ?

  12. azwanhadzree

    Thanks. Pieter has invited me 🙂

  13. Rohit

    Pownce has the potential to become really good and the best part is that the creators are planning to add more features and make improvements.

    P.S If Pallab doesn’t have any more invites left come over to my blog … I have a few left 😀

  14. apurvajk

    Hello Pallab,

    Please send me invitation.

    Thank You