Post Like a Pirate is a web-service that allows you to post messages using pirate speek (duh!).The Pirate Translator translates your messages into pirate-speek as you type. You can also email your friends and post messages to twitter directly in pirate text using this service. The website itself is far from being hip and cool. It doesnt funtion properly in Firefox, Opera and Safari which is disappointing. However, Post Like a Pirate does what it is supposed to fairly well. Obviously this kind of service has no utility and is just meant for some fun between friends.

[…] Link to Article firefox Post Like A Pirate » Posted at Not Just Another Blog on Friday, July […]
I like the idea but the execution is horrible.
I’m not able to figure out a better reason to use it 🙂
Did th’ police arrest ye for postin’ ’bout band ‘o pirates ? Or did ye get married .. 😀
If its not going to work fine in the normal internet explorers then what is the use. Though the idea is looking good. People could have a good time using this system, but not of use.
Good site I \”Stumbledupon\” it today and gave it a stumble for you.. looking forward to seeing what else you have..later