Opera Sharp – the default skin since v9.5 (kestrel) is a beauty. It’s probably the best looking default skin for any browser (at least on Windows). However, it comes at a cost. The super wide tab bar eats up a lot of screen real-estate.
Fortunately enough there is a solution. Tamil took it upon himself to slim down Opera. He modified the default skin to reduce the width of tabs and buttons. You can download Tamil’s skin – Opera Slim (Modified) from here. It also contains other usability improvements like grey coloured active tab, grey scrollbar, a more distinct attention colour (yellow) for tabs and a more distinct lock icon. If you dont want these changes download Opera Standard Slim. This version retains the original Opera colour scheme and settings. The only change being reduction in width of tabs and buttons. Another slim skin is Opera 9.5 Refreshed Standard by caglaryesilyurt. This skin contains a modified colour scheme along with a speed dial background.
And if Opera Slim isn’t slim enough for you, there is O95 Super Slim by patkoscsaba. The address bar has been slimmed down to 10px. The personal bar and navigation bars are also slimmed down along with other space modifications.

Opera Standard

Opera Slim (Modified)

Opera 9.5 Refreshed Standard

Opera Super Slim
Opera Slim by Tamil has been my default skin for a long time. What is your favourite Opera skin?
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