After a pretty long lay-off I am back to blogging again. Hopefully, I will manage to (read: I will not be lazy) to update my blog more often. Anyway, let me first start off with some news about Opera.
i ) Opera v9.02 RC2 released : Opera v9.02 RC2 was released a few hours ago. Do check it out. Among other things now works better in the RC builds.
For Windows, Mac, Unix .
ii) Opera attempts to patch Yahoo mail beta : Last year I had blogged about the new Yahoo Mail beta not supporting Opera ( link ). Opera dev Hallvord had then left a comment stating Opera soft will be working on it. He has kept his promise. Today or so (in Hallvord’s words) OddPatch 0.1 Beta will be launched. It will attempt to fix the flaws in Yahoo mail’s scripting through Opera’s browser.js . He writes in his blog :
iii) Trond Werner Hansen leaves Opera : Trond who was involved with design and UI development related activities for Windows version of the browser, since 1999 left the company last week to pursue interests in music. He wrote a farewell message here .
iv) Opera’s CTO Hakon Wium Lie gets interviewed by Zdnet : A must read for any Opera fan. As usual, Mr. Lie didnt mince his words as far as Microsoft and Internet Explorer is concerned.
Excerpt from the Interview :
v) Nintendo showcases Opera for Wii : Nintendo has released a bunch of videos showing Opera for Wii in action.
Searching Google
Zooming and playing Multimedia in Opera
Browsing Google Maps
vi) is redesigned : Opera has decided to simplify their home page ( Screenshot of old page and new page ). All details about Opera for Mobile and other devices have been moved to separate pages, which is a good thing in my opinion.
Thats all for now 🙂
a new version, a patch an update , anything about opera makes me happy *grins* keep bloggin!!!!
You might wanna check it 🙂