6 responses to “Facebook Lite – Facebook Minus the Fat [Screenshots]”

  1. Shaunak De

    I have been fiddling about in it too. I find it to be a cartload better than the cluttered and overloaded regular interface.
    .-= Shaunak De´s last blog ..Sundown Silhouette =-.

  2. Sujith Abraham

    Coming from Orkut, I like the way the “bloated” Facebook behaved! But as I get used to it, I am finding the lite version more useful, as it irons out all the updates from those useless applications our friends use.

    But still what I miss in Facebook is the community of Orkut (discussion forums) and the “About Me” sections are almost always not up to the mark, I feel.
    .-= Sujith Abraham´s last blog ..A software engineers Orkut Profile! =-.

    1. Pallab

      Facebook Groups are the orkut equivalent of communities.

  3. Udegbunam Chukwudi

    It was initially for a selected number of users but I just tried it now and it works on my account too. Words can’t express my joy as I found the normal Facebook frustrating on dial-up connection. Using Opera 10’s Turbo feature, Facebook Lite has proven to be easy breezy.

  4. csillagjegy

    its, great idea… facebook is slow.

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