5 responses to “Twitter Ties Up With Bharti Airtel : Allows Free SMS Updates”

  1. Shaunak De

    A formal deal is good news because it ensures that updates will be free and available.
    .-= Shaunak De´s last blog ..Season’s Greetings Dr.Mallya =-.

  2. Sujith Abraham

    I think it would have been better if they have used a standard mobile no for sending updates (from user side). For people like me who have configured tariff plans to have cheap national sms it would have been more cost effective.

    A case in point is Facebook’s India mobile number.
    .-= Sujith Abraham´s last blog ..A software engineers Orkut Profile! =-.

  3. Hari

    Is there a booster pack or anything available to get rid of the standard text messaging rate for tweeting ?
    .-= Hari´s last blog ..5 Scripts to Make your Facebook Sexier =-.


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  5. Ovais

    This is really a good news for indians..Now , we can have tweets on our mobile phones right away…hope this will be another success in social media marketing…