Spam is undoubtedly one of the biggest nuisance on the web. It’s everywhere – its in your mailbox, its in your blog comments, its there on social bookmarking sites and so on. While spam filters continue to wage their war against spam, spammers are getting creative – often with hilarious results. A twitter hash-tag service spamlet collects all such spam messages for your viewing pleasure.
Here are some of the gems I came across :
did you know that the big bang theory started with my big bad bazooka?
Upgrade your hardware now. Small men, do not give up hope, your time is here right here.
A key from her bedroom is in your pants”
enlarge your pole with wonder pills
power in your pants
Victory is yours when its big
Tiny droopy dingdong requires a massive correction with herbs.
Big Ben just got bigger and I am enjoying every inch of it.
If you have a spam you would like to share simply add the prefix #spamlet and twit it. And yeah dont forget to follow me on twitter.
[via Mashable]
Never had a laugh on spams. But you did it
Hilarious, friggin’ hillarious.
Upgrade your hardware now. Small men, do not give up hope, your time is here right here.
i’ve always hated spam comments and more than that spam trackbacks ,
i don’t see much spam these days but tbh some of them are really funny
bingo is the best site for everyone to enhance their skills
Spam is an incurable illness. Want proof? Spam filters. Instead of ridding us of spam, they only managed to make … Spamlets – Spam Can Be Fun June 28, 2008 …
looking funny.. nice site
.-= Pavan Somu´s last blog ..Computer Training (Beginner To Advanced) =-.
That is too funny. i didn’t know they had a program out there that did that.
These could be fun but I don’t think so.
Some a pretty funny for sure while others just sound silly, lol!!
Haha, those are quite funny! Gonna search for some more of the same on the web.
Too funny i love it.