Previous Thursday (Wednesday in US time), LOST delivered one of its most shocking episodes to conclude what I consider to be the best season in its short history. I had previously listed my favourite moments from Season Three – Part 1. Now, I am going to list my favourite ten moments from part two of this season.
Room 23 : This is a signature LOST scene from “Not in Portland”. We see that Karl is being brain washed with the help of a mysterious clip. Not only that, apparently when the audio is played in reverse it reveals a hidden message – “Only fools are enslaved by time and space”.
A Grave Prophecy : Desmond revealing In “Flashes Before Your Eyes” that Charlie’s death is imminent definitely had the shock value.
In Demond’s words :
Desmond : No matter what I try to do, you’re gonna die, Charlie.
Buried Alive : I know that a Nikki and Paulo were probably two most hated characters in LOST. But the fashion of their death in “Expose”, shocked even those who hated them. Being buried alive is one of the worst ways to die.
Smokey : Smokey made it’s first appearance since “The Cost of Living” in the episode “Left Behind”. In its line of fire were Kate and Juliet. However, this time around the Smoke Monster did something really strange – it emitted flashes of light as if it was taking snapshots.
Smokey (Once Again) : We get to see smokey for the second time in the same episode. This time however it is forced to retreat thanks to the sonic fence.
Dead or Alive : In “D.O.C.” Naomi dropped a bomb. Literally. It was revealed that the wreckage of Oceanic Flight 815 was discovered without any survivors.
Sawyer Meets Sawyer : Sawyer (James Ford), finally gets his man in “The Brig”. Of course in LOST Island everything is co-related. So Sawyers dad turns out to be Locke’s dad too.
Jacob needs Help : In “The Man Behind the Curtain”, Ben takes Locke to see Jacob – who is apparently the leader of The Others. Locke turns out to be too limited to see Jacob, but he is good enough to hear him.
We did get a look at Jacob for a few frames. But according to Lindelof no one has yet been cast for the role of Jacob (source).
Adieu Charlie : In the season finale (“Through the Looking Glass”), Charlie sacrifices himself so that Claire, Aaron and the other Losties can escape. But, not before he makes contact with Penelope (Penny) and learns that Naomi is not who she seems to be.
It’s a Flash-forward : In the final few minutes of the season (“Through the Looking Glass”) we see a flash-forward of Jack and Kate. They have managed to leave the island, Kate is no longer on the run and is rich. Jack on the other hand is suffering from depression and has become an addict. He is desperate to get back to the Island. But why?
Nice list of scenes. I would definately add the Hurley comes to the rescue in the VW van scene from The Looking Glass though ;).
No Locke moment! I like the way they portray Locke every time he is on screen. The fall from the window was a very shocking scene.
omg what a huge dissapointment this was their all dead!!
Well everything that happened in the show is real and mattered. The purgatory scene takes place long after the actual show, and it shows that everyone is dead.