9 responses to “iPhone Skin For Winamp”

  1. Affiliate Marketing Forum

    Great Iphone skin for Winamp…

    Iphone skins are now available for Winamp users to experiment on their own. This would give your player the Iphone look by Apple Computer’s phone, that is to be launch a few months from now.


  2. Nirmal

    This looks cool. I think I should try it out. 🙂

  3. Rewarding Regular Readers - 26 May 2007

    […] iPhone Skin For Winamp – Pallab […]

  4. iphone skin

    iPhone Skin For Winamp…

    iphone skin…

  5. Pushu

    How do you get the CD-Cover???
    I haven’t managed to use it!
    If anybody knows… please mail me.. @yahoo.com

  6. Rob

    Great Skin, I do wish that the playlist and visualations were displyed in the main window like the equailzer, instead of a seperate window, I also wish that you had the option to choose what backgrond was displayed instead of having it change with each new song, other than that I love the skin.

  7. Indra Bekti

    You can also find the iPhone skin in here:

  8. ?

    thx you