12 responses to “Indian ISPs block Blogspot”

  1. Sahil

    My friend Nupur couldnt view her site , from geocites. Is this related. I mean her site is about Harry Potter.

  2. Gopi Charan

    I really cant understand this act done by the ISP’s.I have a blog at blogspot, i had finally decided to use it to show some of my work (like my project). I also included that link in my resume so that recruiters can take a look at my work. but now all the hard work is gone.

  3. Asia Tech Weblog » Blog Archive » Why India Blocks Blogger

    […] Pallab says, “there hasn’t been any public explanation given by the government, however since this comes on the wake of Mumbai blasts, many people feel that they are interconnected.” […]

  4. Mohammed Muchhala

    Damn luck d00d!!!

    My ISP (Iqara)is still blocking, all the sites 😥

    I hope they remove it soon too

  5. Chuck

    I was sent this link to a supposed scanned copy of the official government document. Decide for yourself.


  6. Chuck

    Posting today suggests that the problem is being resolved – though it could take several days for everybody to see improvement.

  7. Sindhu

    hey there!

    you havent specified any contact email so thot best way to get to u would be commenting here. nice blog, i really love that opera collection! uber!

    by the way am sindhu from mlore. u can see my silly 🙂 blog http://synful.info

    thankx! please blog more often! am a regular here!

  8. John Davis

    Hi ,

    My blog http://www.johndasfundas.blogspot.com was also blocked.

    Then I used proxy servers to visit the blog. But setting up proxy servers was hard and would not solve the problem.

    There waa also an easy to use made for blogspot proxy server http://www.pkblogs.com/johndasfundas Just replace johndasfundas with ur blogspot blog name.

    Finally I decided I should have a domain name of my own. I mean, if the ISP’s are so stupid that they can block only whole domain names ( and not just the offending subdomains ), then having a separate domain is the only way out.

    That is how I got http://www.fundazone.com

    Hope this was not boring u, but I really had to explain this to anyone who’ll listen ….

    Do visit my blog at http://www.fundazone.com

  9. pndxtm logu

    iodj alscvnxit fpdgark hxmgtfzdo nxtrsw argmowie omrld

  10. Satyawan Jangra

    DoT letter on jan 2011 saying to block some webpage on google.co.in ..how we will block that on DNS .. blocking the site will block whole domain.. is their any way to achieve this from DNS servers or some add on devices..

  11. used tires

    Its unfortunate to hear whenever ISP companies and governments block certain websites, really not cool at all.
