There are tons of services that allows you to analyze your Google Search backlinks. Now there is one for Twitter too. BackTweets from the folks behind BackType instantly displays all tweets which link back to your website/blog (including those using shortened urls).
The core service is extremely simplistic. The search engine sports a barebone interface and works great. There are a few advanced options at your disposal including filtering results by date and user.
The other aspect of BackTweets is the Alerts service. You can enter you blogposts url and optin to receive email updates whenever someone tweets about it. The update frequency can also be set to daily and weekly.
BackTweets also has its own API which allows other application developers to leverage this useful service. One such service is the BackType Tweetcount plugin for WordPress which finds all the links your posts receive on Twitter.
I’m using this as we speak.
Thanks for finding it and blogging about it!
.-= Ramblings From A Young American´s last blog ..You Want Excess? =-.
Interesting. I hadnt seen this one, but I will check it out. Thanks.
Nice service. I use API to create WordpRess Widget. It adds backtweets to sidebar