How To Install Windows 7 and Vista Themes and Visual Styles
A quick and hassle free way to mod your system files and install visual styles and theme for Windows Vista and Windows 7.
Top Ten April Fools Day Jokes of 2010
The best April Fools day pranks of the year collected from around the web.
What is avshadow.exe And Why You Need It
The purpose of the new avshadow.exe service added to Avira AntiVir.
System Explorer – A Really Powerful Task Manager Replacement for Windows
Move away Process Explorer – System Explorer is here and it kicks ass. Don’t forget to check out one of the most powerful and flexible process and application analyser.
Instantly Cancel Any Printing Job With A Simple Batch File
Cancelling or deleting a job from the print queue takes ages in Windows. This is a common annoyance, which pretty much anyone who has ever used printers would be familiar with. Apparently, this occurs because the temporary file created for the print job can’t be deleted while it is still being accessed by Windows. The […]
Get Quick Access To Your Favourite Files and Folders With Direct Folders
Direct Folders is an ingenious application which, provides quick access to your favourite files and folders, recent folders and more.
How To Download And Deploy Kaspersky Offline Updates
Learn how to download and install offline updates for Kaspersky Antivirus, Internet Security and other products.
Opera 10.5 For Windows Released – Get Ready To Experience Speed
Opera Software has managed to push through the final build of Opera 10.5 for Windows, just in time for the EU browser choice page. The accelerated development process resulted in a phenomenally fast development cycle – more than a dozen snapshots and 2 betas were released in February with five Release Candidate builds being released […]
Pirated Windows 7 Users Watch Out For Windows Update KB971033
Microsoft has pushed out Windows Update KB971033, which is designed to disable all known Windows 7 Cracks and Hacks (including BIOS patches).
Opera 10.5 Beta For Windows Released
Opera 10.5 Beta for Windows has been released and it blows away the competition when it comes to JavaScript rendering speed.
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